Top Ten Deal Breakers are they Reasonable?

Are your “Perfect Match” Deal Breakers Reasonable?      


We have heard a multitude of deal breakers and polled a number of single individuals on their top ten deal breakers.  We have compiled a list in the order they were most often listed. Let’s take a look and see what sounds reasonable and what may not.


Deal Breaker #1 Body Type

*This one is reasonable if you are seeking someone with a similar body type as yours.  If you are seeking someone with a more fit body type than you yourself have then this deal breaker is unreasonable according to our survey.    



Deal Breaker #2 No smoking. 

* Smoking is not accepted well.  Survey says Reasonable


Deal Breaker #3  Still married. 

* If you are separated but not yet divorced you may get pusback.   Make sure you have all of your drama behind you.   Reasonable


Deal Breaker #4 Religious orientation.

People want to fall in love with someone who shares their faith.  Can’t blame them for that! Reasonable


Deal Breaker #5 “The Player” 

* Let’s face it, “The Player” may have not met their match yet.  It could be you! That player mentality could disappear; Then again,
maybe they just want to be a Cassanova.  Can be unreasonable if you are speculating. But it can also be very reasonable.  Know who you are dealing with. 


Deal Breaker #6  Cheaters.

* Could be hearsay but survey says to use caution. Reasonable.  


Deal Breaker #7 Body odor or Bad Breath

* This is listed as the #1 turnoff in the dating world.  Reasonable


Deal Breaker #8 Bad Kisser

* How can we be sure that we are good kissers ourselves.  You can teach someone how to kiss your way.  Unreasonable


Deal Breaker #9 Poor table manners.

* There are self help books out there.  Stay tuned for ours. Unreasonable, this can be taught/fixed.  You simply have to convey the concern to your match properly.


Deal Breaker #10 Bad relationship with Ex; Baby Daddy or Baby Mamma.

* Survey says that this can take a toll on a new relationship.  Reasonable.



Now that we have explored the Top 10 Deal Breakers let’s take a look at ourselves.  If we are guilty of any of the above listed issues we can certainly work on them.  LIfe is a journey and we all have the opportunity to improve ourselves!

Here is to happy dating!